Here is the first in a series of ABC stories from our class (after my introduction and Jeanne's overview). I hope you enjoy this delightful story from Kacie. It's such a great expression of who she is and what she has found in our class. You can't help but "love" a line that says, "acceptance actually is love, but it's not as mushy"! ~ Enjoy ~ Bonnie
Is “Z” the first letter of the alphabet? No. “A” is, and they put it there for a reason. When something is rated excellent, we always go back to the beginning of the alphabet, to that first letter, to that “A.”
It’s a good system. It wouldn’t sound so good if people found out that the rating for their favorite restaurant was a “Z” because that is the end, the last letter. So it is fitting that “A” is always considered the best, as this class is. Of all the classes I have taken in my lifetime, I would easily give this class an “A” simply because it stands for something which I have been searching for all my life: acceptance, something most people would be grateful for even if they were without “love” because acceptance actually is love, but it’s not as mushy.
Some folks aspire to be rich and famous. I feel I’m both. Since joining this group I have acquired many wonderful friends and through the telling of my stories I have become famous with this group of encouraging, thoughtful listeners.
It all began the moment I walked into the class. “Read your story,” our teacher, Bonnie, said, and what a reception I received! At first, I thought my reading would be critiqued, but it wasn’t. I didn’t think that I would improve without it. I have taken several creative writing classes, script writing for T.V. and several English classes.
My one creative writing class was identical to Billy Crystal’s Throw Mama from the Train, where everyone was putting each other down for their writing. There was no acceptance in that class. But in this class I have found an abundance of acceptance. Through this acceptance I feel that I am understood. Since signing up for this class I have written more stories than I ever have in my entire life. That acceptance has freed me to be more creative, resourceful, free, aware, inspired, ambitious, artistic, friendly, accepting and oh so very happy.
One day I read the play I had written for Cerritos College . The people in this class were so receptive to me. They praised me on the voices that I used for the play. They laughed; they marveled; they bragged about me. It felt great.
Not only do I get my stories written and told, but I end up feeling really good about me: not a bad thing at all!
loved it and love you Kacie. You're an example of how a person should build someone up rather than tear them down. Thanks for the encouraging words. Annette