Monday, July 25, 2011

C is for the “Classroom," By Alice Santillan

This piece is by a student who only came to our class for a few weeks. Alice, if you happen to read this, please know that you would be welcome to come back to join us again. ~ Bonnie

          As I considered attending this class, I kept wondering if it was for me. I have had some entertaining and uncomfortable episodes in my life, and wasn’t sure I was ready to write or share them with anyone.
        As I sat in class, listening to everyone express and share their stories, conversations and their great camaraderie, I began to think that the class could be fun for me. Maybe this class would be educating and exciting and maybe I would discover myself! Wouldn’t that be fun!
        The class is composed of both men and women who have shared their anecdotes with us. It was interesting to hear each story. For some, the stories were sad. Others were documentaries. Still others were comedic and I enjoyed them all.
        There have been some stories that have been published so we have a few authentic authors in this class. Imagine that! What a great compliment for these students. Congratulations!
        Our teacher is extremely caring and helps us out readily. She is a very enthusiastic teacher and very well versed. Thank you, Bonnie Mansell. Congratulations to you, too!
        This is my first attempt at writing, so I’m sure it’s not adequate. I have only been in this class twice. I am still learning, of course, and would like to continue, just to see what I can deliver.

1 comment:

  1. From Charlotte ~
    Your writing is more than adequate! Come back.
