Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"WHY I WRITE" by Kacie Cooper

Kacie! You are so boring! That's what I used to tell myself before I got heavy into writing my memoirs. I've learned I can be quite funny at times and very interesting at others. In America we have a God-given-right-to-write. So why not take advantage of that gift? It's inexpensive and rewarding in so many ways.

Why did we go to the moon? Because it was there? To prove that we could do it? To feel better about ourselves? I'm really not sure, but for me, like wanting to go to the moon, there was always an eminent need to be heard. That's really why I write. I've even learned to get rid of that critic in my head. It has been so liberating.

I've tried my hand at writing stand-up comedy and performing it. Performing it is easy; the writing has always been more of a challenge. But I like that. Like the old saying goes: “no pain, no gain.” But when I receive that first hint of laughter from the audience, I am instantly in heaven. What a high! Not many things compare. And I am responsible for all that; little ole me.

Carly Simon used to sing, "These are the Good Old Days." Through writing I've come to appreciate each new day and that "these days" are truly the "Good Old Days."
If I don't tell my own story... then who will? Ultimately I write my memoirs in an attempt to explain to my descendants the reason for my insanity. To hold their interest I insert humor. But first, I guess because of my ego, I write for me because I feel strongly about so many issues in life: racial equality, man’s inhumanity to man, etc. I want my opinion to be heard and it doesn't necessarily have to be read by others to be beneficial. Just knowing that I have it in print where I can go back and study it to see just exactly how I feel about it is very liberating.
I believe we all have an innate need to be heard. Even cavemen and women wrote on the cave walls. Perhaps we write because we know that not all of us can go to the moon. Maybe we want to move people, make them feel like they've been to the moon and back.

At first I just wanted to be heard, since as a child I didn't always feel that I was. Then when I felt I was being listened to I moved on to writing something that included a moral or something that could elicit emotion in the reader. That was my new quest. Now I continue that journey in my written word.

Through my writing I find peace, purpose, promise and enjoyment. Also it's the cheapest hobby I know. Hopefully when my great, great Grandchildren read my memoirs, they will come to the punch lines and laugh; and hopefully not get up and walk out.


  1. I hope you realize your writing touches that part in all of us that cries out to be heard. You are being heard and you have a lot to say! As always I enjoy your transparency as you bravely tell it like it is from the gut. Write on Kacie, write on.

  2. Kacie, This writing on why you write is terrific! I really liked it. You have so much to tell us about life just by your humor and we all enjoy having you in our class so much. You have really grown into a writer who is looked forward to being heard. Keep it up.

  3. Dear Sweet Kacie, I have enjoyed watching your metamorphoses; coming out of your cocoon and spreading your wings with confidence. You have a sweet pure spirit in your writing voice. I'm "soooooooo" proud of you.
    Love, Yolanda

  4. Dear Kacie, You have a way of putting smile and laughter on every one. With you in class, it will be the happiest place on earth, next to Dysneyland. I am looking forward to hear more of your stories.

  5. I read your "Why You Write" and thought it is interesting to learn that you always wanted to be heard. I do enjoy your writings and am looking forward to hear or read more.

  6. Kacie,
    You write from the heart. I especially admire your play writing as this is difficult to do and a rare talent. You are dear and special and a great asset to our group. Nora

  7. Your "Why I Write" writing is wonderful reading. It has your special "Kacie touch" - humbly written with your honest feelings and fun humor sprinkled throughout. I always look forward to your next writing/reading for our memoir writing "family".
