Monday, October 15, 2012

"WHERE I'M FROM" by Tiana Diaz

We have another guest writer this week. Enjoy and respond to this   "WHERE I'M FROM" by Tiana Diaz (Kacie's 10 yr. old granddaughter)

I am from my mom, from Coco and Channel
I am from the smelly, beautiful house
I am from the Magnolia blossoms, the flower of Louisiana
I am from "Tacos and Beer" and sadness, from Papa I love and Cullens I know
And Mom  I miss from summer

I am from the laughter and the yelling and happiness
From don't drink the soda or spiders will come out your stomach
And don't put your fingers in the door
I am from God
I'm from Bellflower and tamales
From Papa, the Vietnam vet , Gram, the "Blue Witch" and Mom who threw the butter knife

I am from a million picture  albums  



  1. Dear Tiana, I'm impressed with the ease in which you describe your world, and the people dear to you. You have a good sense of your surroundings. Your poem has energy, and activity. Keep writing!!!

  2. I loved this innocently spoken yet saturated with understanding...this is a tumbled gem to treasure in your family album archives.

  3. Tiana-- you have described your world very well. This is an excellent writing and I hope you will continue to write because you have certainly understood the concept of this poem and have done a great job of putting it together.

  4. You have a gift, Tiana. Your writing is so mature.
    My favorite lines are: "I am from Bellflower and tamales," and "I am from a million photo albums."

  5. From Charlotte:

    A great "Where I'm From"
