Monday, April 2, 2012

V is for “A Valued Class of Vintage Memoirists,” By Randy Brandemihl

Just a week or so ago I posted “T is for Teachers,” by Judy Brandemihl. Today I post a very short piece by her husband, Randy, who was an active member of our group for many years. After Judy’s illness and passing Randy’s own health issues became more apparent and it was only about a year later that he followed her in that path that leads from this life. I am blessed to have known this couple, who added to my life, as well as to our group. And it is an encouragement to realize that the “vivacious” members of our class were able to help Judy and Randy to savor their “vintage” years.

My senior memoir class is a very special group of people. The variety of their vivid backgrounds is one of the very things that make them valuable. Their vintage years and vivacious friendship is the very thing that binds us all together.

In the very beginning, we all came here seeking a variety of pleasurable pastimes, such as humor, knowledge, companionship and, of course, memoir writing.

Of that goal I feel, without a doubt, that we have all vanquished a darkness and found a very fine and victorious bright day.

Viva la Vida!!!


  1. From Charlotte ~

    He was indeed a very valuable addition and is missed very much.

  2. Randy's story is another part of a mosaic that demonstrates the multi-facet benefits and beauty of our special and unique group.
