Please read and enjoy the two "H" stories we have for this week -- and let the writers know you appreciate their work.
And, Lewis, if you happen to read this, we would all love to hear from you again!
H is for “Happy Healing”
By Lewis Hildreth
This class has been a place for healing. All the stories, true or fiction, upbeat or sad, well said or not, have made this class interesting, enriching, and encouraging for me. I have been encouraged to say what at first I dare not say, to stand up and read my writings aloud, to give voice to what hasn’t been easy to say in the past.
I know by my feelings that this class has been supportive and always encouraging. I always look forward to coming to class every Thursday. This class has been a place for wholeness to mend fragmented memories. The class has given encouraging feedback to help with creative isolation. The class overflows with supportive camaraderie to keep this writer cheerful in a dangerous world, gone insanely unconscious.
I enjoy writing my assignments for every Thursday, trying to meet the deadline of the next class meeting. It takes effort to work through inertia, giving voice to my own ideas. The excitement of the creative process has brought a measure of healing happiness to me. If I never publish, it is immaterial to me, for writing my stories down and reading in class is so much fun and rewarding as I have said above. I feel healed both in heart and mind; that’s why I can say this class has been a place for healing.
H is for “Hiatus”
by Annette Skarin
My writing group has given me a much needed hiatus from life’s difficulties.
I had returned to California from Washington State a few years after my mother passed away, and after an unsuccessful operation to repair her heart. Two years after returning, and unsuccessfully trying to get a job, I was ready to give up. Life had been very difficult during most of my sixty years. I had never had a break from the relentless torment of the way my brain dysfunctioned. Finally, I began shaking my fist and yelling at God, “Why did you make me this way?” (He can take it, by the way). I came to a place in my journey of life where I was finally able to ask for help for a disorder that was beyond my control. God did hear my prayers, as He always has, and led me to the right help. I now feel more balanced and calmly joyful than I can ever remember.
I had been attending a large Bible study group consisting of women from many denominations and cultures. A lady from my group named Evelyn, continued to pester me about trying out a writing group she belonged to. I resisted at first because I didn’t believe I could write. I finally agreed to come along – just to get her off my back.
Well…here I am a couple of years later, and find that my strength to write about my struggles continues to be bolstered, and I continue to blossom into the writer I am today. I stumbled and stuttered and read too fast in the beginning. My class called, “Creative Writing/Memoir Writing” gave me the courage to continue in spite of my weaknesses.
Today, I’m a different person, as I continue to heal. I’ve taken off with my “writing wings” – into the flabbergasting future. I joined a Toastmasters group, called Cheerful Chatter, and learned how to speak with poise. I am now attending; the California Writers Club of Long Beach, once a month; and most importantly, I am using the gift God has given me, by exercising my writing muscle daily.
I hope this is not just a brief hiatus but a long one. Thank you, fellow writers, and teacher Bonnie – you’ve been a blessing to me.
Annette I did not know you felt pestered to come into our group. Had I known I probably wouldn't have done so but I'm glad it got you to come because I see such a difference in you and know your writing has been a great healing release. You are a good writer and hopefully you will keep doing so. You have much to offer others as well as yourself because of it.
ReplyDeleteEvelyn, It was a good kind of pestering. If you hadn't pestered me, I wouldn't have come and taken off into the flabbergasting future. You'll get an honorable mention and a signed copy of my first book. Haha. Thanks, Your writer friend.