Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran's Day, 2005, by Charlotte Boquist

I salute you, the men and women who bought my freedom.  It is not possible to isolate one veteran.  The life I enjoy today is the result of two hundred and fifty plus years of determined and courageous protection by hundreds of thousands of men and women.  Many of whom paid dearly so that I can live the life I enjoy today.

I salute the handful of men who were on Bunker Hill and stood up to the English soldiers, and vicariously to King George, the most powerful ruler in the world at the time.

I salute the soldiers who fought for freedom, even when they were called to stand against their brothers in a conflict that nearly tore our country apart.

I salute the brave men who marched off to the “War to end All Wars”, and the many Johnnies who didn’t march back home again.  This terrible bloody conflict was ended on November 11, 1918 by the signing of an armistice.  For years, America celebrated Armistice Day, as a day to remember.

I salute the Veterans of World War II, the 1100 sailors that lie entombed on the “Arizona” in the waters of Pearl Harbor--and that was just the beginning,  the many, many lives lost on Omaha Beach and all over the world, and the service men wounded in body and spirit.

I salute the veterans of the Korean Police Action in which my husband served in the army--close behind that came Viet Nam when my son Paul put in his time.  Desert Storm next, my grandson Jeff was in the Coast Guard during that skirmish, and now Iraq.  There seems to be one for every generation.

 Somewhere along the way Armistice Day became Veterans Day--the day to remember ALL veterans who have kept us free and the Stars and Stripes flying.  Thank you, thank you all!!

Postscript added November 2010-
Still we are at war-now in Afghanistan.  And this year I have two Great-Grandsons in the service, Steven who is in the Air Force and Kelley in the Army.  Be safe!!


  1. Thank you, Charlotte, for this moving reminder. We owe a debt of gratitude that we often forget -- or at least fail to express.

  2. This was such a great reminder of what we so often take for granted. Our freedom has never been free and, in many cases, others have been the ones to pay for our freedom. It is important to remember and be thankful.
    Thanks for the reminder Charlotte.

  3. Charlotte, Do you remember when servicemen and women were respected and thought of all during the year as well as on Armistice Day? My dad always gave rides to hitchhiking men in uniforn on their way to and from their base. Servicemen (there wasn't as many women serving then) stationed away from home were often invited to private homes for Sunday dinners and especially on Thanksgiving and at Christmas. I know of no one who does that anymore and we owe them as much today as then. Your story, a nice word of praise and thanks for the sacrifices they make for this country.

  4. Dear Charlotte, I wish that your piece were published in the newspaper. Your words ring out with truth and express gratitude for ALL our service men and women!
    Their sacrifice should never be forgotten. There should never be unsung heros. Thank you and your family for your sacrifices.
    I'm touched by the grace and eloquent way you wrote this commemoration.

  5. Thank you Charlotte. Written from the heart. A grateful tribute to our service men and women.
