Friday, October 8, 2010

Sister Week, by Gail Earl

My younger sister Jan, and I are best friends. We have always shared a special bond. We know what the other is thinking and always finish each other’s sentences. We are very lucky that we share every Saturday together. We just always have.

My older sister, Sharon, moved to Idaho a few years back with her husband. We miss her terribly but stay in touch via email and Facebook daily. When she moved we started a tradition called "Sister Week.” She comes down and stays with me. My sister Jan also takes a week off work and comes and stays with me. We plan every day ahead of time; the entire week is filled with laughter and adventure. It's a week long slumber party. We are all pretty goofy, love to laugh and be silly.

My husband, kids and Grandkids all know that they fend for themselves the entire sister week. My poor husband even sleeps downstairs and the girls get the upstairs (to be honest it's not really a sacrifice). I think the giggling gets old with him. He loves us all and is happy to give us our space. Sister week is the middle of October. So far we've planned a train trip downtown L.A. We like to go to the fashion district, the jewelry district, China town and the museum.

We have one day where we'll drive to Oxnard to see our brother. He is an eye doctor so he'll examine all our eyes and then we'll have dinner on the beach. One day we will be antiquing in the circle of Orange. One day will be spent cruising three different marinas and beaches (Hermosa, Redondo and Newport). One day we'll be at Farmers Market, the Beverly Center and Santa Monica. We'll visit our old haunts from when we lived there.

One day is our mani/pedi and spa day. One day will be a family dinner with the kids and grandkids. We do this family dinner every Saturday night, but Sharon is never here for all our chaos. We like to make each day a marathon day and pack in as much as possible.

As much as we love all the running around, I think what we like most is at the end of a busy day, all getting jammied up and jumping into my bed and laughing and giggling 1/2 the night away. It reminds us of when we were children and shared a room. Our father would have to yell at us to stop the giggling and go to sleep. After we laugh for as much as we can take, we all go to separate rooms to actually sleep.

I know we're silly together, but it even amazes me how utterly ridiculous we can get. Our conversations range from uncontrollable laughter to free tears. Nothing is off limits.

I know how lucky we are to have this time together, but I think the real luck is that we all know how valuable it is!


  1. This is such an inspiring story. When Gail read it in class, I asked her to share it on the blog so others could know this story. It makes me treasure my own family and wish we had such a tradition. Although I don't have sisters, I do have cousins who mean the world to me. And I know that weeks like this don't happen without a lot of planning and commitment. Thank you, Gail!

  2. Dear Gail, It is such a delight to know that sibblings can really have such a relationship. Even in todays sit-coms there isn't any healthy, fun loving relationships liken the old Father knows best, or the Donns Reed show, Ricky Nelson family show.
    Thank you for restoring my concept.

  3. Gail I am so envious of this special bond you have with your sisters especially since I have no siblings of my own. I would love to have a special time like this with my two daughter's. Family was the all important goal of my life but somehow it hasn't turned out like yours. I'm so glad it has for you. What a rare gift you have been given.

  4. Gail, this story is as charming, cheery, loving, moving and delightful as your one about your family tradition with the teapot messages. Such a very unusual family you have which, unfortunately, seems to be rare with today's various challenges. Such closeness may be enjoyed by two siblings, but three sisters having so much fun on your annual week-long slumber party is incredible! Thanks for sharing these "warm fuzzies" with us.

  5. Loved this story again.Can't wait to hear about the fun you had. I can just hear your giggling.

  6. An awesome story Gail. I can relate to everything you said. I have five sisters and they are my best friends in the world. We feel so comfortable with each other and although we are now living apart, when we get together it's just like no time has passed. We laugh and talk and cry way into the night just as you do. I thank God for blessing me with them as it is obvious you do for the blessing of yours.
