Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Am From, by Yolanda Adele

Here is another in our series of “Where I'm from” poems. I cannot get enough of these! It has been such a rewarding assignment, with such varied and enjoyable results. Each gives us a glimpse into the life of one of our writers. If you have not yet written one, please see the instructions and links here. HERE

This one, from Yolanda, is a joy to read and I suspect that it will stir up memories of your own.


I am from an era of great hope for nations after World War II,

I am from the summers of Good Humor Ice Cream trucks chiming; beckoning children to run to it from all sides of the old neighborhood.

I am from the sweet aromas that the Helms Bakery trucks held in its highly polished blond-hardwood pull- out drawers,

I am from drinking milk delivered to the house and licking the cream off the bottle cap,
I am from Toni Home Perms and hula hoops. 
I am from petticoats and bobby socks, angora sweaters, pedal pushers, and wearing his ring around my neck,
I am from jukeboxes, sock hops and Sadie Hawkins dances, and Drive in movies.
I am from Rock n Roll,
I am from Elvis music,
I am from Crying in the Chapel, and Love Me Tender.
I am from an age that is said, more Americans bought homes, had a chicken in every pot, and a car in every garage than ever before.

I am from an era ushering in the space age, and Disneyland, “The Happiest Place on Earth.”

I am from an era of optimism for the future.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"MY PERFECT MAN," by Kacie Cooper

If this poem by Kacie doesn’t bring you a smile, I’m not sure what will! Enjoy.


The perfect man I've chosen is really the perfect man indeed.
I've been looking all my life for him. My heart, my soul he feeds.

He is so interesting, debonair; the way he walks.
People call him an animal. But I love the way he talks.

He speaks with an Australian accent and he's a different color than me.
That's okay, who knows? I just might come from the same ancestry.

I saw him on the "tele" just a few years back.
He's very photogenic. Oh my gosh! He's wack! (good)

He drives around in a nice car and has a job-to die for!
If ever I was his honey, he'd have someone to buy for.

At least he's not a Mr. Hyde or a mean old Dr. Jeckyl.
No. My "Perfect Man" is wonderful. You see...he's the Geico gecko!